Idah Wambui

Idah Wambui

0 properties
Phone: 0791496381



Idah Wambui is a 23 years old female. Idah is a former student of the School of Architecture and the Built Environment in Kenyatta University. She successfully completed her Bachelor of Science in Real Estate Management in December, 2020 and currently awaiting graduation. In 2015, Idah Wambui successfully completed her secondary education in Muthale Girls’ Secondary School and attained an A minus of 76 points. Prior to that, she finished her primary education in Green Cottage Academy and attained 387 marks. In 2016, Idah attained a certificate in computer studies having studied at the Institution of Advanced Technology (IAT).
In 2017, Idah Wambui attained a certificate in baking and pastry basic level having studied at Valentines School of cakes. In 2019, she attained a certificate in Chinese Mandarin, basic level, after studying for a period of one year in Confucius Institute, Kenyatta University.
In 2019, Idah was attached at Knight Frank Kenya for a period of four months. She worked in the valuation department under supervision. Idah performed several tasks as instructed by her supervisors; she accompanied valuers to site inspections, assisted in sourcing for valuation data, drafting valuation reports and document filing. During this period, she attained technical skills such as how to use office machine and equipment and soft skills such as office etiquette, team work and organization skills.
Being in love with baking and pastry, Idah founded Tamera’s Cakes in 2017, an online bakery shop, which has been operation to date with the help of family members and friends. She runs the day to day activities of the baking business. This includes: marketing, taking cake orders, dealing with clients, baking, decorating and delivering cakes to clients. Through these activities, Idah has acquired several technical skills such as how to use baking and kitchen equipment, soft skills such as communication, organization skills, people skills and time management. Aside from baking, Idah has a lot of interest in cooking and painting. During the Covid-19 pandemic, 2020, she opened a cooking channel on YouTube where she shares her recipes. She also paints and has successfully sold paintings to individuals and showcased at The National Museum. She enjoys reading books such as novels, inspirational books, journals and magazines, writing, swimming, singing, listening to music and watching movies.

Idah is a highly organized, outgoing, efficient, detail and business oriented individual with an ability to improve working environments and commitment to employee welfare. She possesses strong interpersonal skills and integrity when dealing with clients. She is a first born in a family of two. Being outgoing and friendly, she has a fairly wide social network.
Idah continues to implement the theoretical knowledge she has learnt throughout her educational life, successful experience of Knight Frank and her day to day business activities.
She currently resides in Kitengela, Kajiado County. Kindly reach out to her via email [email protected] or phone 0791496381.

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